November 2024

After re-connecting with or meeting for the first time Xie Chuan this spring,

does anyone feel the urge to go persistently into practice?

With Xie Laoshi, one learns of the importance of Trust - trust most of all in oneself - which gives one the assurance to be bold in one's efforts. It takes bravery to say, yes I really do want to do this seriously. I want to change my life.

Essential is Hurry Wish, a yearning from the heart, a passion that fires one's endeavour.

Not wait another year, watch it become 20 years! Not wait for process, for incremental steps.

Not wait one more moment for Action.

This autumn Xie Chuan offers a three-week residential retreat in Europe to really experience immersion in qigong. Under his unremitting care, our practice can flourish.

The dates are from Friday 8th to Saturday 30th November 2024, with the first and last days for arrival and departure.

Do contact me soon ~ [email protected] ~ if you already have the clear wish to undertake training under daily guidance from Xie Chuan, or would like to discuss more what this is about. Further information is at:

Carpe Diem


travel information

seminar information

accommodation information

And if you have not met Xie Chuan before, or Kinthissa, you will find a little information at about Xie Chuan and about Kinthissa

